Case Study: Assessment Data to inform Improvement in Learning Outcomes

A Graded Assessment test for students of Class 3, 5, 8 and 10 was conducted by Ignus Pahal in Arunachal Pradesh. Graded assessment implies that each class had questions of the grade and previous grades and subjects, as shown below:

Table 1: Graded Test Format

Class (had questions from) Grades
3 1, 2, 3
5 2, 3, 4, 5
8 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
10 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

This was conducted post-COVID in –

DISTRICTS Schools Students Girls Boys
9 129 7734 4049 3685

The data on learning outcomes achievement scores was analysed to:

  1. Plan improvement of learning outcomes amongst students
  2. Derive implications for
    1. Teacher and HTs
    2. Districts i.e., DIETs and DEOs
    3. Supportive Supervisors i.e., CRC, BRC
    4. State Project Office

Analysis of LO Data to inform Improvement

  1. Achievement scores in LOs: percentage achievement scores across LOs. The test being conducted in December, at least 50% score was expected from students. A list of LOs in which students scored below 50% was listed.
  2. Comparison of LOs where students scored more than 50% and less than 50%: This reflected the expectations that students could achieve and could not. For example, in this case, students of grade 3 and 5 could write simple words but could not write short sentences in response to poems and stories. The results indicated that LOs that involved more skills like read, understand, compare, contrast and describe were more difficult to do.
  3. Intra-dependent LOs: A within grade analysis of LOs was done. Lack of proficiency in learning outcomes for each grade was studied to understand the dependency of one on another. For example, lack of proficiency in expressing opinion/understanding about a story could be related to writing a few words or sentences in response to stories. LOs that expected students to read text independently, connect what they have read with their experience and answer were less attained. It was proposed therefore, to work on oracy by starting with expression in the local language giving an immersive experience of English. The Class 5 oral results showed that the students need a pedagogy appropriate for moving from use of local language to English.
  4. Inter-dependent LOs: An across grades i.e., Grade 3, 5, 8 and 10 comparisons of lack of proficiency in LOs was done to find the ‘critical LOs’ that could be addressed through teaching and TPDs. Given below is a sample:
Grade 3 Grade 5 Grade 8 Grade 10
E2.3: Writes a few words or short sentences in response to poems and stories.
E3.2: Expresses her/his opinion/understanding about the story and characters in the story, in English.
E3.3: Writes a few words or sentences in response to poems or stories.
E3.4: Uses meaningful short sentences in English, orally and in writing.
E4.1: Infers the meaning of unfamiliar words by reading them in context.
E5.3: Connects ideas that he/she has inferred, through reading and interaction, with his/ her personal experiences.
E6.2: Reads a variety of texts in English and identifies main ideas, characters, sequence of ideas and events and relates with his/her personal experiences.
E6.3: Writes messages, invitations, short paragraphs and letters (formal and informal) and with a sense of audience.
E7.4: Thinks critically, compares and contrasts characters, events, ideas, themes and relates them to life.
E8.1: Asks questions in different contexts and situations ( e.g. based on the text / beyond the text / out of curiosity / while engaging in conversation using appropriate vocabulary and accurate sentences).
E8.4: Writes answers to textual/non-textual questions after comprehension / inference; draws character sketch, attempts extrapolative writing.

Implications for Improvement

Implication for the HTs and Teachers

The results showed that:

  • Teachers would need pedagogical inputs including the LOs to focus on, plus the strategy, materials, suggestions for activities and assessment items.
  • Exercises like comparison and contrast of characters, sequence of events of the story, connecting stories to what they see, hear, read would be important.
  • The variety of text genres could be increased, as students were good at comprehension.
  • A targeted improvement plan for the teacher was possible by developing Performance Indicators for targeted improvement in student learning.

Implications for Districts

  1. It was suggested that a set of rapid assessment tools for the teachers could be developed for the teacher to plan targeted improvement at the classroom level for making her own targeted improvement plan.
  2. An adaptable assessment driven learning package for monitoring and supporting learning at the teacher, BRC and DIET level would also be useful for ensuring support at the teacher and school level.

Implications for the CRC, BRC

  1. The CRC, BRC and DIET would need Input on what is more worth monitoring. This has two dimensions –
    1. What kind of processes and relationships are being facilitated – which good practices should be followed?
    2. The CRC, BRC and DIETs need observation tools, documentation tools, a way to set improvement targets and examples to visualise this improvement.
  2. Role of DIETs: The DIET Team would need specific training on certain areas like understanding Higher Order Learning Outcomes, pedagogy and training skills, school observation, support skills and data analysis of performance and their own Performance Indicators aligned to areas that are weak.

Implications for the state project office (SPO)

  1. The study identified the kind of TPD inputs required. But we needed district specific improvement targets. The LOs that were typically hard for all classes (sample given above) should be targeted, instead of generic inputs. The inter-dependence and progression of LOs would assist a need-based targeted planning. The role of SCERT is central here.
  2. It was suggested that the AWPB should focus on the learning enhancement programme (LEP), teacher professional development (TPD), and supportive supervision by the CRC, BRC and DIET to develop a quality improvement programme.