Collaborate with us!

This website is a work in progress. We welcome contributions from the larger education community to make it more useful for everyone.

You can contribute by:

  1. Suggesting questions and resources that can be added to the website
  2. Making editorial suggestions for the existing content on the website
  3. Sharing ideas on what you would like to see on the website
  4. Sharing any other relevant experiences or resources that you think would be useful for the education community in India

How to contribute

The easiest way to contribute is by filling the feedback form below or by sending us an email at

Please mention the page’s link in your email if you are suggesting changes to a specific page.

If you are familiar with GitHub, you can click on the “Edit this page on GitHub” link at the bottom of each page to suggest changes to the content directly. You can also create a new issue in the website’s repository on GitHub to share your ideas.

Share Feedback

Have something to share with us? Could be an error in our content, a suggestion for improvement or a request for new content. We would love to hear from you! Please fill the form below to share your feedback with us.