Are SMC records relevant? Are they also data?

SMC records have important data in the form of meeting minutes and reports that can be used to inform planning. To make use of the SMC records data, you can:

  1. Review the meeting minutes and records to understand the discussions, recommendations and decisions taken on infrastructure development, academic performance, teacher welfare, student attendance, and any other relevant aspects.
  2. Look for recurring issues. Identify areas where the SMC has taken decisions. Identify the recommendations given by the SMC.
  3. Based on the insights gained, prioritise areas that require planning and intervention. For example, teacher training, student support programme, or community engagement activities.
  4. Create an action plan based on the identified priorities. Ensure that it aligns with the recommendations of the MSC.
  5. Inform the SMC, seek their feedback and execute the action plan.

This way, you can leverage the insights and recommendations of the SMC to improve the school’s functioning.