How can I find out the requirements of ST children in my state?

Most large states with significant populations belonging to the Scheduled Tribes have a government department dedicated for their welfare. For example, Odisha has the ST & SC Development, Minorities & Backward Classes Welfare Department and West Bengal has the Tribal Development Department.

It is important to involve these departments in the policymaking processes as they would have critical insights to the needs of the ST communities as a whole and not just specific to education.

Within the ambit of education, the requirements of students belonging to the ST community can be gauged using the typical datasets, such as UDISE+, NAS and NFHS.

Examining the enrollment, attendance, and performance data for ST students in UDISE is a good starting point. This will provide insights into their educational participation and achievement levels. Additionally, the National Achievement Survey (NAS) can offer information on the academic performance of ST students. For a broader perspective, the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) can provide data on health, nutrition, and socio-economic factors impacting ST children’s well-being. By combining data from these sources, you can create a comprehensive profile of ST children’s needs in your state, which will help in designing targeted policies and interventions to improve their educational outcomes and overall quality of life.