How can I evaluate the quality of teacher training programmes?
To evaluate the quality of teacher training programmes, three aspects and related data can be looked into. These are:
- How well is the training developed?
- Some states assess the training needs of the participants. Analyse this data against the training given.
- Check the number of training imparted from UDISE data. Then analyse the NAS/SLAS data against training given to get an insight into the training required against what was imparted.
- How well is the training implemented?
- Check the training components i.e., curriculum design, training methods and monitoring mechanisms to see if the training is planned phase-wise, is targeted to improve certain outcomes, employs an ongoing process monitoring mechanism that can inform the training being conducted.
- Check if the training implements a clear and practical model of mentoring teachers, providing supportive supervision and peer learning networks.
- Check if the training indicates performance standards for each level (teacher educators-supervisors-teachers) with scope for each to assess themselves and assist their growth.
- How effective is the training in making a difference to actual classroom teaching?
- Check the pre-test and post-test questions designed to assess teacher competency.
- Check if the training has a mechanism of recording near real-time data on teacher performance to modify the training plan.