How do I check which programmes are the most effective in improving learning outcomes in my state/district?

To determine which programmes in your district are most effective in improving learning outcomes, you can follow these steps:

  1. Gather relevant data: Prepare a list of educational programmes implemented in your district. Collect information on programme objectives, target student population, duration of the programme, resources allocated, and any available assessment data or reports.
  2. Identify the learning outcomes: Look for the key learning outcomes being targeted. Are they in alignment to the state requirement? Are they higher order learning outcomes?
  3. Understand the approach: See if the programme aims at building teacher capacities, providing materials, co-creating materials, using existing materials, building system capacities etc.
  4. Identify learning outcome indicators: Determine the learning outcome indicators being targeted and measured by these programmes. For example, data on test scores, student feedback, teacher capacity building, material use etc.
  5. Analyse programme data: Analyse the data collected for each programme to assess its impact on the identified learning outcomes. Compare the data before and after the implementation of the programme to identify positive changes or trends.
  6. Get feedback from stakeholders: Take feedback from block and cluster officials, teachers and other stakeholders involved in the programmes. They can give insights into effectiveness and areas for improvement.
  7. Compare: From the steps above, compare what the programme aims to do, how it does it, what it accesses and does it improve the processes that lead to better learning outcomes to ensure that this continues even after the programme period is over.